9 Sir John Overall Dr, Helensvale, QLD 4212

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How to reduce tooth problems or pain immediately

tooth problems

Sometimes you can not see a dentist straight away for tooth problems or pain. Here are 6 tips to help you out before making your appointment.


Hi everyone. Dr. Mark here, again.

Just thought I’d give you some tips to help you out with tooth problems.

Sometimes we land in trouble. And we have nowhere to turn so I’m here to help you in a dental fashion to just give you some tips to see what we can do.

We do this everyday, we triage people in pain, who’ve got a lot of tooth problems and I’d like to just help you in case you’re out in the middle of nowhere and don’t have any help, but you do have internet coverage.

Dental Triage – 6 Tips 

1/ Avoid the sore area – no hot/cold/biting

2/ Salt Water Rinses 1/2 tsp salt in warm water

3/ Brush gently, floss gently

4/ Sharp – sugarless gum + paste

5/ Pain relief ⇒ painkillers (Panadol/Nurofen combined) or GP – Antibiotics (last resort)

6/ Visit us asap – No Pain ≠ All ok!

So people have an ache in their tooth or an ache in their gum, something’s hurting, their jaw is hurting, the First thing to do is to actually try and avoid this sore area. Try not to stimulate it with anything, with anything hot, with anything cold. If it’s sore, if it’s biting, please leave it alone. Don’t bite it, just avoid it. Now, most people do that, some people don’t. So I’m just telling you just be careful. Just don’t stimulate it in any way. Leave it alone.

Second thing you could do to reduce tooth problems, if it’s around, use salt water rinses to rinse in that area gently, to allow that salt and do it for a minute. Half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water for one minute, just allow that to sit around the area, especially if it’s inflamed or swollen.

Third thing is if you can brush gently. Sometimes it’s sore because you haven’t cleaned it well and so if you can just brush gently around that area, if it’s not too painful, or floss gently around it, that would be really good.

Fourth thing is things break off in people’s mouths and they lacerate their tongue and it gets very sore. So if you can’t get to us straightaway, chew some sugarless gum, not any gum with sugar in it, and then wrap that up, stick it on the tooth in the area and just cover it so it doesn’t lacerate your gum.

Fifth thing is pain relief. Painkillers are great, especially when you need them. Sometimes with a tooth problem you can combine Nurofen and Panadol together, that’s if you’re not allergic to anything like that. So that one plus one for the Nurofen and Panadol equals three, it’s quite effective as a pain relief that helps you. Last resort, if it’s really sore, you can go to the GP, if we’re not available. And some antibiotics is the last resort if something feels like it’s swollen.

And Sixth thing is to visit us as soon as possible. Sometimes these things come and then they go, and people think, “Oh, the pain’s gone away. “Everything must be okay.” And most things in people’s mouths occur without pain.

Most people lose teeth without pain. I know it’s weird but they do. So just because the pain has gone, it doesn’t mean everything’s okay now.

So please visit us as soon as you can. All right, just tips from me. Have a great day, thank you.

Together with the Dental as anything team, Dr Mark Miller has been caring for the local Helensvale and broader Gold Coast community for over thirty years. With a kind and understanding heart, he takes a thoughtful approach to treating the elderly members of the Dental as anything patient community. Book a time to discuss your needs today. (07) 5573-0188 or email us on welcome@dentalasanything.com.au

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8.30 AM – 5.00 PM 9.00 AM – 7.00 PM 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM 7.00 AM – 3.00 PM 8.00 AM – 3.00 PM CLOSED CLOSED

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