It’s how we feel about teeth
Did you know that most people only think about their teeth when they cause pain or embarrassment? But at Dental as Anything, that’s not how we feel about teeth.To us, teeth are for life. And they are a signpost for your health.
Like any long term investment, teeth require care, work, and attention at every age and stage.
The 'Teeth. For life.' philosophy is behind everything we do,
It’s a question we get asked a lot, so we figured we’d better answer it.
Know a dentist who lives and breathes his patients’ teeth? Dr Mark is that guy. And ‘Teeth. For life.’ is his brainchild.
There is now a growing body of research that links your overall health to the quality of your oral health.
At Dental as Anything, this understanding is integral to our approach to patient care. We aspire to educate, inform, and raise awareness in all our patients because we know how closely oral and personal health are linked.
Here’s what Dr Mark knows for sure: we each have an interesting relationship with our teeth.
- When we’re kids, we get told to look after our teeth
- As teenagers, we try to avoid our teeth
- In our twenties, we don’t give teeth a second thought
- In our thirties, maybe, just maybe, the thought of our teeth might pop into our heads
- By the time we hit the forties, we’re not feeling quite so indestructible and teeth start to feature in our health care
- In our fifties, we sit up and start to pay attention to our teeth, because we realise they’re the only set we’ve got
- In our sixties, we start replacing our teeth
- In our seventies and beyond, we wish we’d spent more time looking after our teeth in our twenties.
Don’t know where you are on the 'Teeth. For Life.' journey?
No problem. Let’s take a tour.

Kids + Teens
Dental issues facing kids and teens include:
- Dietary sins (sugars)
- Building good dental hygiene habits
- Preventing decay with fissure sealants
- Braces and other teeth straightening

Carefree 20’s + 30’s
Issues facing people in their 20’s and 30’s include:
- Fillings arising from a poorly maintained oral hygiene routine
- Crowding that occurs when teeth have not been corrected straightened
- Wisdom teeth

Focused 40’s + 50’s
- Teeth shortening and staining due to lifestyle choices
- Teeth being lost due to lack of care
- Gums receding (getting long in the tooth)

Sorting 60’s + 70’s +
- Teeth fracturing and splitting from White Fillings
- Replacement of teeth
- Nerves dying from old ,deep fillings

What’s the best way for you to understand how we work?
Come visit us.
Your first visit with us is super important and here’s why. It’s kind of like getting to know where you’re at and what your dental gremlins are.
Depending on what’s happening for you we might:
- Decide to act immediately to alleviate the pain and discomfort you’re feeling from a dental emergency like a broken tooth
- Place you in the very capable hands of one of our hygienists for a good clean up. Look out, because these ladies know their stuff
- Get you straight in front of Dr Mark for our unique Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment

Confused about where to start?
The Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment (COHA) is a Dental as Anything signature service and we love seeing what it does for patients. Our COHA is available to EVERY new adult patient. If you’re not in pain or experiencing an emergency, this is usually where we start. In a COHA we take time to listen and understand your needs, concerns, and goals. We also hear about your previous dental experiences and the impact they’ve had. This is how we build our relationship with you, before we start any work.
In the COHA, we complete a detailed examination of hard (teeth) and soft (gums) elements. We take photos, xrays, checks for signs of oral cancer, assess your jaw joint and screen the gums for potential bad bacteria. Because we’re in this for life, we develop a personalised treatment plan that looks at what you need right now AND the big picture for down the track.
Most importantly, we explain it to you in detail, in language you understand, face to face. But that’s not all we do.
Want to know more?
What’s a hygiene visit?
It’s a question we get asked a lot, so we figured we’d better answer it.
A hygiene visit means we work with you, no matter where you’re at. It also means we can live by our ‘Teeth. For Life.’ philosophy because we make prevention and maintenance your friend.
Our lovely hygienists will:
- Understand from you what’s been going on healthwise to assess how this may be impacted by your oral health
- Do a full check of your teeth and gums
- Do a full clean
- Make recommendations for ongoing care