Nickname: DAA Dancer
Why we love Casey: Casey enjoys life and the occasional office boogie (and we all secretly love to dance, right?)
The Back story:
Casey has always been interested in dentistry – yes, even as a child. Her own experience of going through orthodontic treatment and braces piqued an interest in dentistry that just wouldn’t go away. The fact that she ended up with a gorgeous smile that brings out her bubbly personality helped too.
What makes Casey tick?
As a girl who LOVES to learn, Casey is always up for an opportunity to get onboard with something new. If we need to get a handle on the ‘how’, Casey’s our go-to. Add to her love of learning the fact she enjoys life, is bubbly and approachable, and loves a little dance – even at work – and you’ll discover a Casey in her happy place.
I had braces as a kid and it had a huge impact on my life, changing it for the better. Up until I started treatment, I hid my smile because I didn’t like to show my teeth. Ironically, having braces gave me the confidence to smile properly and I want to be part of other people having that same experience of getting beyond their fear to a smile they’re happy with.
Dental as Anything is an environment where patients thrive and so does the team. Connecting with people on such a personal level means they experience the same kind of confidence I gained through my orthodontic treatment, and I love being part of that.