Nickname: Lady Can-Do
Why we love Chloe: She was brave enough to follow her heart to dentistry
The Back story:
When Chloe was 18, she had this idea of joining the defence force to work in dentistry. It was ‘just a dream’, but actually, it was not just a dream. Why? Because the idea to work in dentistry never left Chloe. Eight years later after working in childcare and realising she loved helping kids look after their teeth, Chloe thought, ‘You know what? I’m following my dream now.’ You go, girl!
What makes Chloe tick?
Would you be surprised if we said: Dentistry? Chloe loves working with our kids – and our patients who are kids at heart. Bringing together the best of her skills to care for people and get things in order behind the scenes, Chloe is the sort of girl who loves to do a bit of everything. And that’s good for us and our patients.
Probably the most satisfying thing about the work we do here is helping people to relax who have been nervous or anxious about coming to the dentist. Just seeing people get past their previous negative experiences to the point where they’re happy and smiling, well, that’s the best.